An excerpt from the forward by Jeremie Kubicek, who wrote and highlighted the GiANT Edition of Feed Your Mind Good Stuff (an excerpt from the book, Today We Are Rich)
As leaders, it’s incredibly difficult to be intentional about the ‘inputs’ we feed our mind, and ultimately, our soul. That’s understandable. We are wired to want to keep abreast on current global events, the latest corporate scandal, or even the latest Hollywood buzz. In fact, it’s in our DNA to actually want to be at the forefront of this gossip, drama, and commentary.
However, as our friend Tim Sanders points out so vividly, our life and leadership are really an overflow of what we feed our mind. The posture of our mind and emotions is clearly evident in how we lead our teams, our companies, and our families. Some of the situations in our leadership that we wish we could “take back” may actually be tied to a specific piece of negative food that we fed our mind.
Feeding our mind toxic information may be the very thing holding us back. Our mood state, our energy level, and our overall health are tied directly to the quality of information we take in...
Click here to read the entire forward and see Jeremie Kubicek's highlighted text from Today We Are Rich - Principle 1 - Feed Your Mind Good Stuff.
Because the seven principles of confident living are principles that some of the most successful people you know live by, I wanted to provide a forum for these same people to tell you why they love this book. Each custom edition features a special forward written by our participants. Find out more about the Today We Are Rich Custom Editions here.
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