Last fall, I spoke at the annual Catalyst Conference.
It was October 9, the market was tanking so fast cable commentators were taking about The Great Depression 2 nonstop. At the time, people were feeling the effects of Wall Street's collapse -- all the way to Main Street America.
It was if everything we did as individuals didn't matter if the powers-that-be got it wrong. Against that backdrop, I took the stage that morning with the conviction to convince my young crowd that one person can STILL change the world by taking his or her values to work.
Here's an excerpt from that talk, The Timberland Story from Saving The World at Work. Take a minute, watch it, and open your mind up to the notion that you can change the world by triggering the Law Of Contagious Compassion. If you've got shoes, heart and a proactive nature -- you can be a saver soldier.
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