In California, driving while talking on a mobile phone (without hands free) is illegal. Hurrah! I wish they would have legislated against driving while talking on a mobile phone even with hands free.
It's not so much that one hand used to hold a receiver is the issue, its the distracting conversation that we engage in that makes us terrible drivers. According to a University of Utah study, cell phone talking drivers are no better than drunk drivers at operating a car. The researcher's recommendation? Don't drive and talk at the same time.
I came to this realization a few years ago, and now unless it is a very urgent situation, I don't talk on the phone while I drive. I make all my calls before I leave home/office, etc. One practice I've been doing is to think about a call I might need to make in the time window of an upcoming drive, and make that call before I get into the car. I call it "one more for the road".
Honestly, most of our in-transit calls are low quality, irrelevant and silly. We make those calls because we can, and we love to multi-task. The reality is that we don't need to use the phone while we drive; anymore than we need to read the paper, knit or do crossword puzzles.
Show me a bad driver, and I'll show you (more often than not), a driver trying to talk on the phone and drive at the same time. I think it is a violation of our social responsibility to operate a potentially lethal machine (a car) while techno-drunk. Yeah, really. Do you think it's moral to have two or three or four beers, then get in your car and drive on the freeway?
It will be hard at first, since you've trained yourself to be a go-go multi-tasker. Soon enough, you'll be weaned away from celling-and-driving -- and you'll be a better person for it too. Besides, you should always give good phone!
The statistic speak for themselves, driving while under the influence vs. texting, texting proves to be more lethal.
Posted by: Ajlouny | August 24, 2009 at 08:18 PM
ok, so talking on the phone is less safe than not, agreed. Other things distract us too: passengers, drinking, (heaven forbid) eating, hooking in our iPod, etc. my problem here is legislation. i dont think we should make every hazardous situation an outlawed one. i applaud tim and his social consciencness. we need to teach this type of responsible behavior, not legislate it. teaching and training not beauracy and legislature.
Posted by: rawdbee | August 14, 2009 at 12:48 PM
That's a good question. I've seen at least one study that indicates that talking via phone is more dangerous than talking to someone in the car. Why? Because the person in the car knows to stop talking when there is a traffic situation that requires the driver's undivided attention.
When you are on the phone, however, your conversation partner is totally unaware of the physical context of the call.
NOTE: Not everyone looks at the person in the car when talking to them. If they do, then all bets are off and you are back in the dangerous driving zone.
Posted by: Tim Sanders | August 11, 2009 at 07:09 AM
Here's my question: Is having a conversation on the phone any more distracting than talking with someone sitting in the car with you? I find that I always want to look at them during my most important points. At least when I'm on the phone, I can keep an eye on the road and not have their presence to distract me.
Of course, I guess we sure can't outlaw talking to other people in the car, haha.
Posted by: Beth Bridges | August 10, 2009 at 09:17 PM